Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Gary Johnson's Problem

While I will probably be voting for Libertarian Gary Johnson for president, he does not have an easy road ahead of him.

Obviously, his main asset is the failure of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to inspire the American public. As the most hated pair of presidential nominees in recent history, maybe even in all history, these two have left Johnson an opening you can drive a truck through.

Unfortunately, that opening has a monster truck sitting in it: The American Media. Before you suggest the Media could even consider supporting Johnson, read this. The Media is already bought and paid for by big business, which is owned by and owns big politics, namely the Republicans and Democrats. In other words, the Media is nothing more than a propaganda arm for big politics, which is nothing more than an extension of Wall Street. They WILL support Trump and Clinton, period. Until Johnson makes a racist remark, or shoots up a gay club, he has no chance of seeing page 17 of the New York Times, or even a fill-in story on Fox & Friends. Trump and Clinton already own the news coverage (I use the word "news" loosely").

For many Americans, they will show up on election day, and see the choices: Donald Trump ("no"), Hillary Clinton ("no"), or Gary Johnson ("???"). If Johnson gets lucky, enough people will pick him for the heck of it, and the election will be a split decision that gets tossed into a Republican-controlled Congress, where Trump has already burned more bridges than the Nazis in WWII. For some reason, I cannot imagine Paul Ryan voting for Trump...

But that is the best case scenario for Johnson, unless he makes an appearance in the next Star Wars movie. Maybe he can play Doobie-one Kan-roll-me?

(hat tip to Meme Generator for the pic)

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