Monday, June 6, 2016

Trump versus the Media

The Washington Post's Paul Waldman is clueless about the Media's problem with politics, and he shows it in his editorial, "The media have reached a turning point in covering Donald Trump. He may not survive it." Sorry Mr. Waldman, but Trump will survive everything the Media throws at him.

Waldman talks about how the Media is finally doing their job with Trump:

They raised questions about Trump’s fundraiser, and when they didn’t get adequate answers, they investigated, gathered facts, and asked more questions.
That's great, except the Media has ALWAYS done that with Republicans. One of the reasons I have always been partial to Republicans is I know they get fully vetted by the Media. Trump is no exception.

What worries me is how the Media overlooks the Democrats. They seem to take what the Democrats tell them at face value. If you want the true story about Democrats, you have to look at Fox News or the internet, because the Media won't tell you.

Don't believe me? Nowhere in Waldman's editorial does he mention Hillary Clinton's name. In fact, this editorial is nothing more than a Media high-five to itself, for doing what it has always done, which is investigate the heck out of Republicans.

If voters thought the Media was looking at both candidates fairly, maybe they wouldn't have voted for Trump. But since we know the truth is they don't cover equally, then every time Trump responds with a "The political press is among the most dishonest people that I’ve ever met," everyone just nods their head in dumb agreement, because we all know he is stating the obvious. Waldman's editorial does nothing to push back against this common perception, which will inevitably doom any real journalism that they do on Trump.

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