Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Faux-Cahontis wants GOP to stop obstructing Obama

Elizabeth Warren is the Democratic Party's gift to all political commentators, mostly because she doesn't recognize her own arrogance. The elitists in her party love her for it and keep propping her up as an example to the rest of us.

Imagine if Louis XVI had held up Marie Antoinette as his spokeswoman to the French public? His execution might have come even sooner. Likewise, it is so difficult to imagine what the Democrats see in Warren's arrogant pronouncements.

Take her latest CNN editorial, "Republicans, stop obstructing Obama":

Just hours after news broke of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's passing, Donald Trump gave Senate Republicans three words of advice on filling the vacancy: "delay, delay, delay." 
Senate Republicans didn't need his advice: that has been their strategy for years. Before Barack Obama set foot in the Oval Office, Sen. Mitch McConnell and his Republican colleagues decided to block him at every turn -- no matter what. They publicly promised to make government work, but away from the cameras they deployed stall-and-delay tactics to stop the government in its tracks.
Warren's statement is basically, "How dare they delay our glorious leader from his chosen path!" What she doesn't understand is that many of the Republicans in our legislative branch were elected specifically to obstruct Obama, especially after he rammed Obamacare down the American people's collective throat on a partisan basis. The Democrats lost control of Congress thanks to their "glorious leader" and his comrades Tweedledee and Tweedledum (Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid).

One other thing that Liz, on her high horse, fails to notice is that, outside the Washington bubble, most (if not all) of the government appointments going unfilled have zero impact on the average American. You can shut down the entire government and Americans would continue on with their lives, not even noticing the difference, other than the incessant wailing from Democrats about the end of civilization as they know it. Wah wah wah...

Sorry Liz, but this is your problem, not ours.

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