Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Ted Cruz Gets Smacked by Karma

"Instant Karma's gonna get you
Gonna knock you off your feet"--John Lennon, Instant Karma!
"...it occurred to me that karma is instant as well as it influences your past life or your future life. There really is a reaction to what you do now."--John Lennon
Ted Cruz is learning about that today. Remember when Cruz's campaign spread a false rumor in Iowa about Ben Carson dropping out?

Here comes that instant karma, from Donald Trump via the Washington Times:

GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Tuesday floated a supermarket tabloid report that Rafael Cruz, the father of Sen. Ted Cruz, was pictured with Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before the JFK assassination — a charge that led the Cruz campaign to say Mr. Trump is “detached from reality” and desperate for attention. 
“His father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald’s being, you know, shot,” Mr. Trump said on “Fox and Friends.” “I mean, the whole thing is ridiculous. What is this, right, prior to his being shot — and nobody even brings it up.”
Well, we all shine on...

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