Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Death of the New World Order

There is an article in the Washington Post about how the British exit from the European Union, commonly known as the "Brexit", could lead to Scotland leaving the United Kingdom.

But could this have an impact on the United States?

By "impact", I mean that some states in the U.S. might consider leaving the union. Seeing the events in Europe could inspire some American states to consider going their own way. Texas is the obvious example.

Ultimately, I consider this a good thing. Smaller governments are better for the governed, as they respond more quickly to what the people want or need. For too long, the world's elitists have been striving for a "new world order", one world under one government. Controlled by the world's elitists, of course.

When I was a child, I remember thinking that if I ruled the world, I could do it better than the people doing it. I outgrew that illusion, as I came to realize there is no single person, or even group of individuals, capable of such a feat. Unfortunately, some people never outgrow that illusion. Even worse, they are in positions of power, so that illusion just grows stronger with them.

The truth is that smaller levels of government work better: states, counties, and cities. Sadly, they can also work worse if the people elect poor governments, but they don't work worse because of their unwieldy size (unless the people create their government too big, but that is another issue).

It is time to return to a smaller government model. The only "new world order" should be one of peace between all of our smaller governments.

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